So here I am again, writing about my life while surrounded by a bunch of strangers, when I should better be studying for my test or write my long time past due paper... but I rather sit here in front of a computer and write nonsense, at least that's more comforting than thinking about all the shit I ought to think about...
Anyhow, I've been kinda reading my blog for the last year, or at least I read a bit of what I wrote some time ago, and I used to write so much more before than now, back when I got started. It might be due to the fact that now I dont have a working computer at home, the thing is that it's quite fucked up, so that I'm not able to write calmly at home like I used to, and then copy and paste it here, just regularly, while I print my papers in two minutes, instead now I'm spending hours while trying to write my reports and write here in my blog and think about all that I got study, so I'm juggling with all...
This past week was pretty cool, first on monday I went to Sergio's place to hang out for a bit, we found that there were some of his friends studying with his bro for an exam on whatever subject for Medicine, I was kinda lost, but it was out of the ordinary to see them, so I was pretty ok. Then on wednesday I went to a sort of Jazz Concert, the thing is that there was this Jazz Festival going on here for a couple of days, it's called FestiJazz, and I had been wanting to go there for ages, and I finally did, I wanted to go with Sergio, but I couldnt reach him, and it turns out that it was best that way, cause I went with friends from my Uni: Juan, Elisa and Daniel; they were all huge fans of a band playing that night GoGoBlues, which turned out being amazing live, cause I had sort of tried hearing one of their albums, but I couldnt manage to move from track1, cause it wasnt my style. Then another band played, featuring one of the best drum players in Bolivia: Yayo Morales, so it was called Yayo Morales Quartet, which was fantastic and filled me in all the Jazz that I had been craving for the last couple of years...
Thursday we went to eat sushi at a cool restaurant called Wagamama, which was pretty expensive, I ordered whatever I thought looked nice in the picture and then it was about 75Bs!!... it was Sergio, me, and two of his friends with his girls (Kadi, Lore, Giulio and Stef), and the thing was that we all had gone there some time before and we planned about doing it again some time, but now we had no time cause Giulio was leaving to Italy this past Sunday, so we went out then and again on Saturday, to another guy's place, Sergio's friend Pini, though we were planning about going to a Karaoke, but the thought just stayed in the air, though the last part of our night was pretty amazing (!).
Anyhow, that was all pretty cool, and for all of those who were with me all those days, it was quite awesome, it was a hectic week, but then on Sat morning I was on a training to become a Team Lead, that's another position at my job, which pays twice as much of what I'm earning now, so I plan to save a bit and follow Mads' conception of living: Travelling around the world and breathing just for waking up in a diffrerent place, which is my own interpretation of his conception, but anyhow, I'd love doing that, or else just save money to travel back to Norway for the 10 years reunion... not much for some, but a hell lot for me, so if I manage to save a bit, I could make it there at some point!
So, that's a more detailed version of my last week, (oh and I was feeling pretty shitty on Sunday), now I gotta go back to the real or seamingly real world of the outside, face the fact that instead of studying for my test I was writing this... I guess I gotta go and try to catch up with what my fellow mates where studying somewhere around just now... (I couldnt find them, so that's why I decided to log in write a bit to distract myslef)
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